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Friday 7:30 PM (In-person & Zoom)

Saturday 9:30 AM (In-person & Zoom)

This Weeks Torah Portion "Pincas"


The opening passage of this week's Torah reading speaks glowingly of Pinchas the Cohen who zealously put an end to Israel's idolatry.

The Israelites are now encamped at the bank of the Jordan River, within sight of the Promised Land. G-d summons Moses to climb to the summit of a nearby mountain and view the Land before he passes away.  Moses, however, is reluctant to bid his people farewell until G-d has designated a worthy leader to succeed him.  Moses implores: “…Lord, I pray You, appoint a leader over this nation …that they be not a flock without a shepherd!”  G-d replies: “Then summon Joshua, who is filled with spirit. Lay your hands upon him in the sight of the people, and bestow upon him your authority…"  Joshua thus receives Moses’ mantle of leadership. Moses is now ready to say farewell to the nation he led out of slavery 40 years earlier.  Indeed, the words of his farewell will be the subject of the next and final book of the Torah, the Book of Deuteronomy!

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Alvin Wainhaus







Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784