John Kelman awarded Keeper of the Flame Award
John Kelman(left) received the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs annual “Keeper of the Flame Award.” The event, hosted by the Emanuel Synagogue of West Hartford, included Conservative synagogues in the Connecticut Valley region. The award states: Connecticut Valley Region Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs presents the KEEPER OF THE FLAME AWARD to JOHN KELMAN for his years of outstanding dedication and service to Congregation Or Shalom’s Men’s Club. Mitch Goldblatt(right), a longtime member of our synagogue and Men’s Club, made the presentation on behalf of FJMC.
Honoring our Soliders!
In time for Memorial Day, the Boy Scouts of troop 41 under the watchful eye of Scoutmaster Brian Cleveland and the guidance of our very own Senior Patrol Leader Seth Glassman, recently placed flags for our veterans in Congregation Or Shalom cemetery on Derby-Milford Road. In addition, flags were replaced at our Shelton and West Haven cemeteries thanks to our congregants Sharon Teller, Roger Hess and Gordon Lann. The USA made American Flags are purchased annually through the generosity of our Congregation Or Shalom Men's Club and the Yellow Candle Fund. If you are interested in donating to the Yellow Candle fund, you can here.
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Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785